Winter labor gloves selection need to pay attention to what matters

In the north of the country, the outdoor temperature is particularly low, many people need to wear protective gloves to go out to work, do not wear gloves may be frostbite hands, that is a very serious thing. Many people have not bought the gloves, so do not understand, the following for you to answer the winter labor protection gloves selection precautions!

1, cold insulation effect is good

In the northeast of China, the winter temperature is about ten degrees below zero, so cold weather many outdoor workers must wear labor protection gloves, then in the purchase of gloves, you need to consider the cold and warm effect of gloves, if the gloves are not warm will give hands to frostbite.

2. Good moisture absorption and ventilation effect

Some labor protection gloves absorb sweat and air permeability effect is very poor, so you wear for a long time, when the hand is working, it will make the hand sweat a lot, if the sweat is not discharged in time, it will make the wearer feel the inside of the glove humid, which is easy to cause skin diseases.

3, winter glove flexibility

Now many domestic office workers are generally riding electric vehicles to work, the winter morning weather is cold, in order to resist the cold, will wear warm gloves, but some gloves it is particularly thick, wear very bloated, hands are not very good activity, it is easy to cause dangerous driving. Therefore, when you buy winter gloves, you should also consider that after wearing labor gloves, the hand can be flexible.

4, gloves waterproof effect is good

When there is no snow, the waterproof effect of gloves is naturally not important, if it is snowing, the gloves need to have waterproof function, otherwise the snow melts the gloves are wet, you will be particularly uncomfortable when wearing.

Winter labor gloves selection need to pay attention to what matters, after reading the above four points, I believe you will know how to buy it. The quality of gloves produced by different manufacturers is different, it is recommended that you choose a regular manufacturer to buy, find poor manufacturers to buy gloves warm effect is poor, and the service life is short, can not make customers satisfied.